Cyclone Empire/Sound Pollution
Spanish band DARKNESS BY OATH hasn´t really impressed me n the past. Since their formation in 2002 they have been addicts to the Gothenburg sound, even featured on a tribute to AT THE GATES. The first demo came in 2005, their debut followed a year later and a second assault in 2009. Slightly rearranged the band now consists of vocalist Aritz Nabarro, guitarists Tristan Iniguez and Alain Castano, bass player Gorka Otero, and drummer Asier Bilbao. Guests on the album are Anders Björler of AT THE GATES and Mario Iliopoulos of the excellent NIGHTRAGE.
Openers are a wicked thing, this one is windy, at first acoustic and slowly transgressing into an electric upstart of a song that is only in its first stages. With more tracks in the vein of “In an Obscure Eternity”, “NDE”, the instrumental “Holloworld” and the groovy “Last Emotion” this album could have been as unique as the Gothenburg sound once was. The clear production courtesy of guitarist Tristan, the ultra-melodic approach, the slight vocal experiment of “Last Emotion”, that adds up to almost unbroken territory in my book. BU, alas, the band retorts to the formulaic “Steams of Blood”, the shriek “Viole(n)t Intentions” and more standard fare death metal when they were on to something bigger. I will specially mention the fine guitar work of Tristan and Alain, not least in the instrumental “Holloworld”, and the never ending churning melodic riffs. But the path to uniqueness must wait until their next effort.
Track List
Into the Gloom...
In an Obscure Eternity
Viole(n)t Intentions
A Cry of Terror (Voices from Nowhere)
Steams of Blood
Unequivocal Evil Excitement
Fallen Angel of Death
Last Emotion
Terror in Thousand Faces
www.cyclone-empire.com www.myspace.com/darknessbyoath